Report generated 0s ago
If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.
The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.
Actions per Visit
The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.
Actions per Visit
Avg. Time on Website
The average duration of a visit.
Avg. Time on Website
Bounce Rate
The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.
Bounce Rate
(keyword) Keyword not defined 105,865 178,365 1.7 1 min 22s 74%
(keyword) (not provided) 40,862 65,088 1.6 1 min 17s 76%
(website) 11,275 40,119 3.6 3 min 56s 39%
Facebook(social network) Facebook 2,967 5,205 1.8 1 min 2s 81%
(website) 2,646 7,207 2.7 2 min 11s 30%
(website) 1,085 2,669 2.5 2 min 16s 47%
Twitter(social network) Twitter 942 1,838 2 1 min 7s 61%
(website) 616 5,254 8.5 3 min 40s 49%
(website) 615 3,382 5.5 4 min 17s 36%
(campaign) ¡nuevo número de estudios demográficos y urbanos! (114) 534 1,431 2.7 1 min 23s 49%
(website) 329 466 1.4 1 min 0s 73%
(website) 307 405 1.3 1 min 54s 77%
(website) 294 599 2 2 min 1s 54%
(campaign) ¡Nuevo número de Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos! (112) 275 590 2.1 1 min 34s 57%
(campaign) ¡nuevo número de estudios demográficos y urbanos! (115) 264 625 2.4 1 min 40s 52%
(campaign) ¡nuevo número de estudios demográficos y urbanos! (113) 230 632 2.7 1 min 59s 59%
(website) 211 460 2.2 1 min 56s 48%
(website) 205 997 4.9 4 min 53s 27%
LinkedIn(social network) LinkedIn 187 365 2 1 min 33s 60%
(website) 151 212 1.4 1 min 19s 68%

This period includes dates that have data imported from Google Analytics. Some data may be missing or be reported as Unknown/not-set due to incompatibilities between Matomo and Google Analytics.